(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Vortex Technology
Welcome to Vortex Technology in Woodland
Hills, CA, U.S.A.
TEL: +1 (818) 225-2800
FAX: +1 (818) 225-7203
The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated
digest for the
serious discussion and analysis of issues relating to the topic of
(both personal and collective). Information about the
including subscription details is here. Access (including full keyword searching) to
the PRIVACY Forum archive, including collected
papers, special
materials, and all back issues of the digest, is here.
- Professor Neon brings the
worlds of Films,
Television, and Video to the Web! You'll find film reviews,
about upcoming film and television releases, film and television
publicity photos
and audio/video clips, Broadcast and Cable TV industry info and
much more.
Information and news regarding "Professor Neon's TV & Movie
Mania" radio programs (both broadcast and Internet
versions) are also
available. All this at your fingertips simply by clicking here.
- Live and On-Demand audio and
video materials from Vortex Technology, transmitted directly to you over
the Internet!
- Newsletters and information from
the Computer
History Association of California reside
Learn about the people and machines
that led us to where
we are today (?), and about the dedicated enthusiasts who are
trying to preserve the
history of computing for the future.
- The renowned motley crew of scientists,
doctors, Nobel
laureates and a host of others, all of whom formerly populated
the pages of "The
Journal of Irreproducible Results," are now putting forth their
collective and bizarre
efforts in "The Annals of Improbable Research." Visit
the monthly
electronic editions of this truly "unique" publication by aiming
your mouse right
and clicking that button.
Current weather conditions and forecasts for the Los
Angeles metropolitan area can be obtained here. You can also view automated data regarding
any recent L.A.
earthquake activity.