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    Publishing Your Web Site
    You have two choices for locating (hosting) your external Web site:

    1. Lease space on a server provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP)

      If you want to publish for an external audience, but want to start out slowly, then an excellent choice is to establish your first Web site through leased space on an ISP's server. This will minimize your hardware and telephony expense while allowing you to gain experience publishing on a Web site. It also allows you to leverage the skills and capabilities of your ISP while you learn more about using the Web for business advantage. Businesses of all sizes, even large ones with extensive Web activity, choose to host their external Web sites through an ISP.

      Local ISPs provide both Internet access service, often in a variety of forms and speeds, as well as Web site hosting services. Selecting an ISP can be tricky since this is a new industry and many of even the largest local ISPs are startups. Ask others who are using local ISPs who they recommend. Ask the ISP what is their main business focus. If the focus is primarily consumer access accounts, look for an ISP who's focus is catering to business access and commercial Web site hosting.

      For a referral to an ISP trained on Microsoft's Internet products please call 1-800 60SOURCE

      Internet access is becoming an increasingly competitive environment, too. So, shop around and compare prices. But remember, the cheapest provider may not be the best for your purposes. You want a provider who has a good track record for reliability. You want 24-hour access to your site and the ISP can ensure your site is accessible all the time. See a Comparison Chart of where to host either your Intranet or your Internet Web site.

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1.) Intranet
2.) Internet
3.) Security
4.)Microsoft Internet Information Server

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