This is a database of first-person expertise records from leading Universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include the name and address of the individual researcher, a description of his/her current research interests, past positions, memberships, and associated keywords. You may:
If you would like you may take a look at a sample entry.
This is a database of inventions made at universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include Invention titles, descriptive abstracts, keywords and contact information. If you would like, you may take a look at a sample entry.
This is a database of facilities and resources at universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include the name of the facility, a descriptive abstract, keywords, and contact information. If you would like, you may take a look at a sample entry.
The Community of Science currently contains over 40,000 common-format, first-person profiles of faculty researchers and their interests and expertise. This database is an invaluable resource for research-driven companies to identify prospective collaborators, license new technologies, leverage their existing R&D effort, perform due diligence, and generally stay informed about the constantly-changing world of basic science and academic research.