Community of Science Databases

The Community of Science Expertise Database

This is a database of first-person expertise records from leading Universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include the name and address of the individual researcher, a description of his/her current research interests, past positions, memberships, and associated keywords. You may:

If you would like you may take a look at a sample entry.

The Community of Science Inventions Database

This is a database of inventions made at universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include Invention titles, descriptive abstracts, keywords and contact information. If you would like, you may take a look at a sample entry.

The Community of Science Facilities Database

This is a database of facilities and resources at universities and R&D organizations in North America. Entries include the name of the facility, a descriptive abstract, keywords, and contact information. If you would like, you may take a look at a sample entry.

About the Community of Science

Services Offered to Participating Institutions

Participating Institutions Fact Sheet

Corporate Membership Pricing

Baltimore-based Community of Science, Inc. is the electronic publisher of the Community of Science databases and provides associated Internet-based science and technology services. Founded in 1988 at Johns Hopkins University, Community of Science is built in direct collaboration with over 125 major research universities and other R&D organizations in the United States and Canada. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive directory of faculty researchers and scientists, and to connect academic and corporate researchers via the Internet and other electronic platforms. For further information you may read about the services offered to participating institutions as well as the Participating Institution Fact Sheet.

The Community of Science currently contains over 40,000 common-format, first-person profiles of faculty researchers and their interests and expertise. This database is an invaluable resource for research-driven companies to identify prospective collaborators, license new technologies, leverage their existing R&D effort, perform due diligence, and generally stay informed about the constantly-changing world of basic science and academic research.

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