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Internet Resources List

Internet Resources

Table of Contents


Gopher is a service that allows users to view and obtain all sorts of files, programs, and software. You can select the items you want from a menu.

Software and Computer Resource Gophers

Government and International Gophers

Subject Trees and Miscellaneous Subject-Oriented Gophers


Veronica allows you to search all of the Gopher sites in the world. Just enter a word or words, and all sorts of directories, programs, and articles with those words in them will show up in a menu for you to browse.


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It allows you to transfer documents and programs from all over the place.


Telnet allows you to remotely log in to other computers and can give one access to databases and many information services.

Music, Images, and Multimedia

These sites mostly contain archives of audiovisual resources and related information.

News, Publications, and Electronic Texts

These sites primarily offer news-related services or on-line publications.

Specific Publications

Usenet Resources

Archives of Electronic Texts

Audio Media

Educational Services

These sites offer educational resources and academic information of all sorts.

Government, Law and Legal Information

These sites offer legal documents, government database access, or other legislature-related information.

Weather Services

Connected to these places, you can get satellite maps, movies, and national forecasts updated hourly.

Searchable Services

Using these services, you can enter a word or words and have a database search for information.

Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Travel/Geographical Services


Specific Databases


Hypermedia Services

These services are specific to the World-Wide Web and usually contain information in a hypermedia format.

Government, Organizational, and International Sites

Interactive Services

Exhibits, Museums, and Geographical Guides

Subject-Oriented Sites

Entertainment and Games

Network and Web Resources

Miscellaneous Tools and Resources

Computer Help and Computer-Specific Information

Reference Tools

Daily and Weekly Information

Other Lists of Services

Lists of network services that others have made exist in a few places:

This list is regularly maintained and updated by kevinh@eit.com. It's not meant to be comprehensive, but is rather a list of some of his favorite sites on the Internet. If you have corrections or suggestions, let him know. Last update: June 7, 1994.