(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Internet Resources List
Internet Resources
Table of Contents
Gopher is a service that allows users to view and obtain all sorts of files, programs, and software. You can select the items you want from a menu.
Software and Computer Resource Gophers
Government and International Gophers
- Connect to the Library of Congress and get library, legislative, or copyright information.
- The UN Gopher contains information about the United Nations, daily press releases, and more. You can also connect to the UNICEF Gopher.
Subject Trees and Miscellaneous Subject-Oriented Gophers
Veronica allows you to search all of the Gopher sites in the world. Just enter a word or words, and all sorts of directories, programs, and articles with those words in them will show up in a menu for you to browse.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It allows you to transfer documents and programs from all over the place.
Telnet allows you to remotely log in to other computers and can give one access to databases and many information services.
- You can search the full ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database from 1966 at this spot at Auburn University. Once you connect, tab to
and enter 01
. To quit, enter STOP
- This hytelnet (hypertelnet) interface will allow you to log in remotely to hundreds of world-wide libraries, campus-wide information services, or other information services. You can also choose among a list of hytelnet servers.
Music, Images, and Multimedia
These sites mostly contain archives of audiovisual resources and related information.
- Here's a Web page that points to music resources on the Internet.
- And here's another Internet music resources list.
- The music and lyrics archives holds lyrics, music, and guitar tablatures to hundreds of artists.
- The Internet Underground Music Archives holds music from new struggling bands! In the same spirit, here's a hardcore music site.
- Here's the techno/ambient/rave site, where you can rave on!
- Here's a directory full of (Amiga) MOD sound files, from an Aminet mirror site.
- Acoustic music information pages as well as information on folk music resources exist on the Web.
- You can search and browse the BMG Music Catalog.
- Here's a page of Internet art and architecture resources.
- Here's a page of Internet film and video resources.
- And here's a page of sites dealing with computer graphics.
- The Smithsonian image archive has tons of good-quality photos as well as contact sheets of its contents.
- Explore artwork online and contribute as well at the OTIS Gallery Archives.
- There are tons of images at the WUarchive.
- Likewise, visit the Digital Picture Archive on the 17th Floor.
- Many sounds, images, and icons exist at Rutgers.
- A collection of standard icons and symbols for World-Wide Web use are available online, as are pointers to more icon pages.
- Here's a page of graphic rules, buttons, and gizmos for the Web and pointers to other similar pages.
- An archive of historical sounds and speeches can be found at Michigan State University.
- Sounds, images, and movies galore exist at Rob's New Multimedia Lab!
- Multimedia sound and image archives, as well as an architectural image archive, exist at Johns Hopkins and the U. of Michigan.
- Here's a fractal gallery, full of pictures and animations.
- Browse hundreds of icons from this server in Italy.
- A directory of X icons (Anthony's Icons) is available.
- An MPEG movie archive in the Netherlands contains movies with a variety of subjects.
- An archive of NASA MPEG movies is available, as is a page of astronomical pictures and animations.
- Here you can view the last files from
- Search through hundreds of fonts at the Internet Font Browser.
News, Publications, and Electronic Texts
These sites primarily offer news-related services or on-line publications.
Specific Publications
Usenet Resources
Archives of Electronic Texts
Audio Media
Educational Services
These sites offer educational resources and academic information of all sorts.
Government, Law and Legal Information
These sites offer legal documents, government database access, or other legislature-related information.
- Visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
- The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) Web server contains underground computer newsletters and information on civil liberties, law, information, and government and privacy issues.
- Here's a Gopher site at Notre Dame which holds Supreme Court Rulings.
- Another place there has Clinton administration information...
- ...or get census data from the University of Michigan.
- Connect directly to the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- And here's the Social Security Administration.
- Through this Gopher, you can connect to the Federal Information Exchange.
- At the Legal Information Institute at Cornell, you can get the Copyright Act, patent law, Supreme Court decisions, or the Constitution. And much more!
- The Wiretap Gopher Archives hold government papers, Clinton's press releases and daily schedules, and much more.
- You can also get budgetary information and more at the U. of North Carolina Gopher.
Weather Services
Connected to these places, you can get satellite maps, movies, and national forecasts updated hourly.
Searchable Services
Using these services, you can enter a word or words and have a database search for information.
Dictionaries and Thesauruses
Travel/Geographical Services
Specific Databases
Hypermedia Services
These services are specific to the World-Wide Web and usually contain information in a hypermedia format.
Government, Organizational, and International Sites
Interactive Services
Exhibits, Museums, and Geographical Guides
Subject-Oriented Sites
- Here's a page dedicated to medical information.
- A site at the University of Pennsylvania is dedicated to cancer information.
- A page in Italy holds pointers to astronomical information.
- Learn about juggling at the Juggling Information Service. Or visit the Uncycling Home Page.
- Here you can learn all about the tango.
- NCSA's VR lab has pointers to many Internet virtual reality resources.
- You can go to an index of multimedia resources, with pointers to software, servers, and texts.
- A geography resources page points to all sorts of geographical information on the Internet. There are similar pages anthopology and archaeology.
- The Missing Children Database is a mirror site for the Missing Children's Forum on CompuServe.
- All sorts of backcountry information can be found on this server.
- View the science-fiction resource guide and the science-fiction TV series guide - science-fiction sites exist for Star Wars, Quantum Leap,
Red Dwarf, Blake's 7, Max Headroom, Blade Runner, The Prisoner, Babylon 5, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine
(and the Terry Farrell Internet Fan Club).
- Or just read about Douglas Adams and Bruce Sterling.
- Here's a site dedicated to information about lego blocks.
- Johann's comics page has pointers to many comics resources on the Internet.
- Connect to FINS, the Fish Information Service for information on fish and aquariums.
- This site has pointers to online job services.
Entertainment and Games
Network and Web Resources
- Visit the Internet Town Hall, where you can search the SEC EDGAR database and the U.S. Patent Database (recent patents only), among other things.
- ANIMA holds many resources and information relating to online arts. It holds lists of online museums, music, publications, and art.
- The Global Network Navigator offers weekly news, a network marketplace, timely articles, an art gallery, a Traveler's Center, and pointers to many good things on the Internet.
- The InterNIC InfoGuide contains information about network protocols, hosts, and other information for network users, as well as information about...information.
- Here's the "official" semi-comprehensive list of World-Wide Web hypertext servers.
- Here's a summary view of the same list with links to interactive maps.
- Or just zip to a comprehensive list of all known Web servers and go for it!
- The Mosaic Home Page at the U. of Illinois is always a good place to start hunting.
- Find out what's new on comp.infosystems.announce.
- Find out what's new on the Web.
Miscellaneous Tools and Resources
Computer Help and Computer-Specific Information
- The Internet Computer Index has all sorts of good information on Macs, PCs, and UNIX.
- Get current PowerPC news at the PowerPC News home page.
- Or get current Macintosh news via TidBITS.
- A comprehensive index to Linux resources is available. Here's some pages dedicated to Linux at the University of Idaho.
- An HP/UX archive page exists, should you need it...
- The Perl archive at the U. of Florida holds all sorts of Perl information.
- To be fair, here's a site of Ada information.
- Here's a page devoted to Gnuplot.
- A page at Carnegie-Mellon holds all sorts of computer vision-related information.
- Visit the Sun Microsystems archives at the University of North Carolina.
- Online hypermedia help for UNIX users of all sorts exists at the University of Edinburgh.
- Hypertext manual pages exist for Solaris 2.1 and many other systems, including SunOS 4.1.1, SunOS 4.1.3, HP/UX 8.0.7, Pyramid OSx, Ultrix 4.2a, as well as X11R5.
- Hypermedia information of all sorts exists on the Amiga.
- Visit a page dedicated to Ethernet information.
Reference Tools
Daily and Weekly Information
Other Lists of Services
Lists of network services that others have made exist in a few places:
- The EINet Galaxy server holds comprehensive pointers to Web, telnet, and Gopher resources.
- A smaller, similar list can be found at the University of Colorado.
- Keep on top of changes at the W3 Catalog of recent changes, which monitors changes to a number of the lists below.
- Information Services by Subject, a hypertext file listing all sorts of services sorted by subject, and
- Data Sources by Service, another hypertext file sorting network services by the type of program you use to access them.
- At NCSA's Meta-Index page, you can explore many alternate ways to search for information.
- Explore other hypermedia gateways, resources, and home pages from NCSA's Network Starting Points page.
- You can search the Whole Internet Catalog to find hundreds of other resources on the Internet.
- Here's a hypertext version of Scott Yanoff's Internet Services List.
- Another overview of services by subject can be found at this UK site.
- Joel's Hierarchical Subject Index is an interesting way to get to the information you need.
- The Virtual Reference Desk at UC Irvine offers many resources in many subjects for the net surfer.
- All sorts of news, weather, and reference information exists at the CNS (Community News Service) Gopher.
- The hypertext version of the Internet-CMC list (Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication) has pointers to dozens of telnet, email, ftp, and traditional resources.
- Finally, for the latest in hot and trendy Webspaces, see What's Hot and Cool, the Whole Internet Catalog Top 50, or the Bonsai Hot Tips List.
This list is regularly maintained and updated by It's not meant to be comprehensive, but is rather a list of some of his favorite sites on the Internet. If you have corrections or suggestions, let him know. Last update: June 7, 1994.