New: A summary of the list is available
See also: data available by other protocols , data by subject , how to make a new server , test servers , automatically collected list of Home Pages, What's New, and the clickable world map . If servers are marked "experimental", you should not expect anything. Please see how to send announcements of new servers (or modify your server's description).
It has a membership of about 270 leading companies. KIIS offers information on major projects in Kansai and KIIS-related activities such as:
Le groupe B3E fait partie du CHU Saint-Antoine et de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6).
On trouvera sur ce serveur des informations concernant l'épidémiologie de la grippe et du SIDA entre autres, ainsi que la description d'outils de simulation en biologie (neurobiologie numérique).=, ainsi que le programme du DEA de Biomathématiques.
La BDSP archive des données factuelles (numériques et textuelles) sur :
Institut des Sciences de l'Univers
Mots-clefs: Astronomie - Numérisation - Analyse des images - PARIS
Le laboratoire CEPHAG est une Unitée de Recherche Associée CNRS.
L'activitée de recherche du Centre d'Etudes des PHénomènes Aléatoires et Géophysiques concerne l'étude théorique et pratique du Traitement du Signal avec, comme applications : l'acoustique sous-marine et la géophysique.
Les axes de recherche du laboratoire sont :
Nos visiteurs pourront y découvrir des informations sur notre société ainsi que sur la 10ème Assemblée Mondiale des Téléports (Paris, du 7 au 10 novembre 94)
Dans un proche avenir, nous mettrons à votre disposition bien d'autres choses; excusez-nous si des URLs ou des pages changent souvent - notre serveur est encore en phase de mise au point.
- Le Chesnay (78)
Ce serveur concerne la biologie moleculaire et structurale. - Structure secondaire des proteines - Mailserver de prediction de structure - ANTHEPROT (Logiciel d'analyse de sequence et de structure des proteines) - RMN (Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire des proteines)- LYON
Le serveur national de l'INRA propose une consultation de son annuaire thématique (description en cours des structures et axes de recherche) et présente les services de documentation de l'Institut, avec un accès à l'inventaire des publications des chercheurs. Il établit également des liens vers différents serveurs INRA, spécialisés.
Domaines de recherche
Ce serveur propose des informations en français sur les domaines suivants: - bases de données bibliographiques (biomédicales) - informations documentaires (documentaire, réseaux...) - veille technique (logiciels, matériels ...)Il est géré par le service d'information et de documentation de l'INSERM. - Strasbourg
Mots Cles :
Laboratoire d'Etudes Dynamiques et Structurales de la Sélectivité Chimie interface avec la biologie et Synthèse organique Laboratoire Associé au C.N.R.S. Grenoble
Technologie de l'Information Culture et Société
Informatique et Société - PARIS
EXEMPLES de ce que vous pouvez consulter au 1/1/95 sur notre serveur WWW:
Soon, the server will provide access to the national information system of the higher education of Russia, which currently is under developing. The system is main part of the programm: "National system of databases and knowlegebases of the Higher School of Russia". The programm is funding by State Committee on Higher Education of Russian Federation. (Officially Mandated)
General Information about California
[The sensitive map is no longer maintained due to the large number of servers.]
FaxWeb -- send and
receive FAXes through the Word Wide Web.
WebMarket -- complete
marketing assistance using the Internet including web space rental, WWW server
setup and maintainence..
Johns Hopkins Computer Science Department, Officially Mandated.
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Information Network or, InfoNet - is now freely available with a wide array of information concerning the Medical Institutions. InfoNet provides a single source for campus information including telephone directories, academic calendars, shuttle schedules, policies for parking and garages, information for patients, listings of educational and training opportunities, and much more. Officially Mandated.
Sensory Communications and Analog VLSI Research at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. (Experimental -- 07/05/1994)
WHSR is the home page for the student radio station at Johns Hopkins University.
WelchWeb is designed by the Welch Medical Library at Johns Hopkins University to help Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions affiliates effectively identify and use Welch resources and services. Included are information about access to Welch databases, a wide variety of library services, instructional opportunities, and publishing assistance. (07/05/1994)
Johns Hopkins University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
NASA Shuttle Small Payloads Information can help you get your experiment into space. Information on the Get Away Special (GAS) and Hitchhiker Programs for flying small scientific and educational payloads on the Space Shuttle -- includes user documents and payload pictures.
The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)
provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics,
solar physics, lunar and planetary data from
NASA space flight missions, in addition to selected other data and
some models and software. NSSDC provides access to online information
bases about NASA and non-NASA data at the NSSDC and elsewhere as well as the spacecraft
and experiments that have or will provide public access data. NSSDC also
provides information and support relative to data management
standards and technologies.
ECSEL is an NSF-funded coalition of engineering schools engaged in a five-year effort to renew undergraduate engineering education and its infrastructure. ECSEL's membership includes Howard U., City College of New York, MIT, Morgan State U., Pennsylvania State U., U. Maryland, and U. Washington. This WWW server provides general information, dissemination, and links to ECSEL research projects and other Engineering Education Coalitions. (06/09/1994)
Hierarchy of Parallel and Supercomputing Sites and Vendors is an index of world-wide parallel and supercomputing information.
Plasma Science and Technology covers all areas of plasma science & technology with linkages worldwide, including the associated newsgroup sci.physics.plasma. Created as a first point of contact for this broad, interdisciplinary field. Close to 200 topical areas of plasma science are listed.
UMBC Imaging Research Center is a USENET image binaries (coming real soon now) as well as many pictures grouped by subject. Also coming soon, resources for animators including textures, etc.
University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Computer Science.
The University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
UMIACS provides links to faculty and staff home pages,
the Department of Computer Science Technical Reports, other Research
Projects and Papers, and
other services on campus.
The Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center (ERC) that was formed in 1985 as a joint venture between the University of Maryland and Harvard University. Its WWW server provides online technical reports, abstracts, WAIS searches on reports, faculty bios and their research interests, laboratory research work and many other services.
Created by: Frank Peters
Summary of WWW servers
(Officially Mandated)
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at George Mason University
Ammar's personal testing & experimentation web server.
Gulfnet Kuwait is Kuwait's sole provider of Internet connectivity. Gulfnet Kuwait provides several ways to get connected to the internet, such as the The Gulfnet Shell Account, The Gulfnet SLIP/PPP Services, and The High Speed Dedicated (leased) Line. Information about internet connectivity in Kuwait & the Gulf region can be obtained from "". Questions concerning their wb server can be directed to "". Other questions can be sent to "".
Kuwait University was established in 1966 as a premier institution for imparting higher education. Over the years, the University has steadily built a reputation for its teaching programmes and research calibre of its faculty. Since the traumatic events of 1990-91, the University is in the process of strengthening its research base in front-line areas. Kuwait University Web servers are listed here in alphabetical order by Faculty name.
The Faculty of Engineering Web server is supported by the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Kuwait University. The Faculty of Engineering Web server provides helpful information about different academic activities in the engineering field as well as information about the different engineering organization available at Kuwait University. An interesting page in the Faculty of Engineering Web server is Kuwait Gallery Page; which serves several images that reflect the past & the present in Kuwait. Questions & comments regarding the Faculty of Engineering or its server can be directed to "".
The Faculty of Medicine Web server is supported by the Health Sciences Computer Center at Kuwait University. The Faculty of Medicine Web server provides the full Undergraduate Handbook (94-95) which includes all the information about the Faculty of Medicine and its academic programs. The server also has the phone book directory for all the faculty & staff throughout the departments of the Faculty of Medicine. Moreover, the server provides information about the Health Sciences Computer Center and the different services it provides. Questions & comments regarding the Faculty of Medicine or its server can be directed to "".
The Faculty of Science web server is supported by the Department of Mathematics at Kuwait University, which offers undergraduate and graduate programmes in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Currently, it has fifty two faculty members whose research interests cover a wide spectrum in Mathematics and Computer Science. The Department maintains its own Computer Center equipped with SUNs and Silicon Graphic Workstations, backed with most up-to-date software, in addition to Kuwait University Computer Center which is equipped with IBM9000 and VAX 9000, supported by latest state-of-the-art software. Questions & comments regarding the Faculty of Science or its server can be directed to "".