hide random home screenshot http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/WWW/Geographical.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Other archives: wwwdir

World List W3 servers

This is a list of registered WWW servers alphabetically by continent country and state. ( About this list )

New: A summary of the list is available

See also: data available by other protocols , data by subject , how to make a new server , test servers , automatically collected list of Home Pages, What's New, and the clickable world map . If servers are marked "experimental", you should not expect anything. Please see how to send announcements of new servers (or modify your server's description).


South Africa

UNISA (University of South Africa)
Information about study at Unisa. Also information regarding on-campus Internet services, a WWW Library, other WWW sites in South Africa, the WWW Worm, Archieplex, mirrors and many more.
UNISA Computer Science
Information about the Computer Science department, staff directory, and research projects. Home pages of: UNISA academic ftp server, South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, and world wide virtual tourist pages for South Africa.
The Internet Solution
Commercial Internet access. Watch this server for new on-line services, like the Weekly e-Mail newsstand. Home of the annotated list of South African WWW servers and the associated map. Maintained by webmaster@is.co.za.
University of the Witwatersrand, Computer Science Department
Information about staff and postgraduates, as well as links to the ftp and gopher sites. Home of the FAQs on Africa, South Africa, and South African Wine.
Rand Afrikaans University
Under construction, not official yet. Contains announcement of 'The 11th International Information Security Conference' in Cape Town from 9-12 May 1995, RAU-Library Services, a local telephone directory and Country Classification Codes.
Systems Publishers
A specialist technical publisher based in Johannesburg, South Africa. This server contains information on publications and activities, as well as subscription and contact information. Also the home of the Digital Cafe.
DNS Resources Directory
References to essential online and offline resources for Domain Name System administrators. Contact András Salamon andras@dns.net.
PCB Technologies
Information on a wide variety of information technology products and services offered by PCB. Find out about The Milky Way Internet Cafe and explore links to other interesting information on Southern Africa. Contact: Info@pcb.co.za.
Siltek Distribution Dynamics
Currently under construction, but soon to have lots of information on all products distributed by SDD.
Pollution Research Group
The Pollution Research Group (PRG) conducts research in a range of environmental engineering approaches, problems and processes. The PRG is based at the University of Natal, Durban. These pages are maintained by members of the PRG.
Natural Products Research Group (University of Natal)
Information about the NPRG and its activities, as well as links to chemistry-related places on the Net. Still under construction.
Vironix Corporation
Suppliers of high-quality, low-cost communications software for the global market. Great believers in 'Local is Lekker'! Includes information about the Windows communications package - WinRamp Lite.
ICFR (Institute for Commercial Forestry Research)
It is the ICFR's mission to serve the South African forestry industry by undertaking relevant, timeous research that has the objective of supplying the commercial timber producers with the information required to optimise the beneficial use of forestry resources in South Africa. Contains all research material, bulletins & newsletters published by the ICFR.
EMILY (Electronic Membrane-Information Library)
EMILY was conceived to become the electronic repository of information on membranes and membrane processes. Essentially an ftp site, it now has limited WWW capabilities. Maintained by Quentin Hurt <hurtq@aqua.ccwr.ac.za> as part of a Water Research Commission project.
Rhodes University
Rhodes-specific information, as well as information relating to networking in Southern Africa. There is also a link to the ZA news hierarchy. This is *not* officially mandated information.
RUCUS (Rhodes University Computer Users Society)
A student based organisation, along the lines of MIT's SIPB, which provides various computer based services for Rhodes students (courses, logins, etc...). This WWW server is a means of providing information to members, and to any other interested persons.
Rhodes University Computer Science Department
Information specific to the Computer Science Department of Rhodes University. Includes information about courses and research interests of staff and students.
Active Access
Internet access to private individuals and businesses, offering users their own home pages, and soon commercial pages as well. Still under construction.
University of Stellenbosch, J.S. Gericke Library
This server is completely experimental. It may not stay on air for much longer. Unofficial.
Cape Town
The Environmental and Geographical Science server at UCT has two purposes: Climate related information (locally received images and mirror of some overseas images), and information about activities and research in the department.
UCT Computer Science Department
Information about courses and research interests of staff and students. Additional links to other interesting sites both in South Africa and overseas.
UCT Digital Image Processing lab
Information on research topics such as pattern recognition and image compression, as well as links to other related services. Unofficial.
Africa.Com (Southern Scientific)
Specialised services to the SA Business and Technology communities, a browse and feedback SA Tourism facility to attract visitors to our shores, and property advertising in association with New York based Global Electronic Marketing Services (GEMS).
Aztec Information Management
Aztec supplies internet services to businesses and individuals. A part of these services is placing information of academic or commercial interest on these WWW pages. Also features links to interesting sites around the world. For more information please contact webmaster@aztec.co.za.
Dimension Data
Information on products that we sell. General interest to computer comms people. Info about Cape Town and environs. It is presently run as an experiment and the software is Beta software.
Compustat's W3 Advanced Services Division
A wide range of South African commerical services, products and corporations. Real estate information, including the Pam Golding site. Hosts commercial W3 pages; specialists in building database applications for serving data via a W3 front end. Serves both public (unauthorised) and secure (authorised access) data via the Internet. For more information, contact mikelane@iaccess.za (Michael Lane).
University of Cape Town
The official server of UCT. Information about the university, the online phone book, and links to departmental WWW servers. For more information contact vincent@ucthpx.uct.ac.za"> (Russell Vincent).


See Southwest Asia, Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia sensitive maps. See also Asian Studies


Hong Kong


Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Among other things, it contains information about its research programme, faculty, graduate programme and facilities which include an Astronomical Data Centre.


See Japan's geography, or list of servers in Japanese


Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Serving Information about Hokkaido(in Japanese) and Information about Sapporo city(in English)


Hirosaki University
Hirosaki University , Aomori, Japan.


Sendai National College of Technology
Sendai National College of Technology, Sendai, Japan.
Serving SNCT college guide and general information about National College of Technology in Japan.
Tohoku internet Association
Tohoku internet Association, Sendai, Japan.
Tohoku University
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Serving information about Tohoku University as well as Sendai City Guide. The list of WWW servers in Tohoku University is here.
TOPIC (Tohoku Open Internet Community) .
Serving information about TOPIC and the internet resources in Tohoku area, Japan.


The University of Aizu
The University of Aizu, located in scenic Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, Japan, is on-line. We are an international university established in 1993 by the Fukushima prefectural government dedicated to research and education in computer science and engineering. For an introduction to the university and its international faculty, see our hypermedia profiles brochure People Advancing Knowledge for Humanity . Direct links to our research include on-line University of Aizu Technical Reports .


Utsunomiya University
Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya-city, Tochigi, Japan.


Gunma University
Gunma University, Gunma, JAPAN. Serving information about Gunma University.


Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, MITI
AIST WWW server (Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, Japan) has the following contens: But... The items above are all but under construction... (:-<)
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center/CRL, Ibaraki, Japan. Serving space environment information inculding forecasts and alerts of solar flares and geomagnetic storms. Relating observed data are also available.
KEK National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan.
National Institute of Animal Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan
Animal Genome Database is still under construction. The information of cytogenetic map and linkage map of pig, cattle and mouse is now available.
University of Library and Information Science
ULIS student server provides ULIS campus wide information and information around Tsukuba science city.
University of Tsukuba
Institute of Mathematics
Science Information Processing Center
This server provides general information of the university and entry points links to various servers installed on the campus.


KDD R&D Laboratories
KDD R&D Laboratories, Kamifukuoka-shi, Saitama Prefecture
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Hirosawa, Wako, Japan
Saitama University
Saitama University, Saitama, Japan.
My server provides information about own University, Corses and THE World of CHINESE Poems.
Knowledge Engeneering Lab., Saitama University, Saitama, Japan.
all of documents are written by japanese only.


Chiba University
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan.
Ikeda Lab.
Ikeda Lab., Faculty of Engineering, Chiba Univeristy. Serving Information on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Commission on Illumination (CIE), International Organization for Standarization (ISO), Graphical Symbols standardized in IEC Publication 417; Meta-document on STEP and ISO 9000; and a picture book, early music instruments catalog, etc.
Chiba University Library. Serving in Japanese catalogue, guide for users and library bulletins.
Toyo Engineering Corporation, Chiba.
Company Abstracts, Business Fields, Internet Business, IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System). Programs of Japanese Convention Center (MAKUHARI-Messe) and Chiba Bay Area Information for convention visitors.
Reitaku University
Reitaku University, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Japan. CBC Radio: Daily News Broadcasts(Mirror), some german information, etc.
Yamaichi Information System CO.,LTD. Chiba, Japan.


ASCII CORPORATION is now online.
atom Co.,Ltd.
atom Co.,Ltd. Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan.
Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM)
Center for Global Communications, GLOCOM's research examines the global impact of computer-based communication media on a wide range of social, economic, cultural and technical issues. Files are available in Japanese and English.
Glocom intend this server to become a clearing house for information from and about Japan.
Central Research Instutite of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan. Serving A Databese for technical reports that are open to public, A HTML version of "The Jargon File", etc.
Communications Research Laboratory, Koganei, Tokyo. Serving general information of CRL and Solar Terrestrial Information.
Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.
Daiwa Institute of Research WWW Server provides the economic and securities information concerning Japan and Asia.
DEC Japan
Digital Equipment Corporation Japan, Tokyo. We have regional infomation around Ogikubo (head office) and Akigawa (DECpark), Tokyo.
Eccosys has just opened the Japanese-language section of their WWW server. The server contains many services including an experiment using digital money. It also contains info about the Eccosys CU-SeeMe reflector. Eccosys is a new company engaged in IP related consulting and software development for the Japanese Internet.
Fujitsu Limited,.Tokyo, Japan.
Future Pirates
Future Pirates Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
G-Search LIMITED Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
On our G-Search server we sell software packages using Internet network.
We will be looking forward to your visit.
GMD - German National Research Center for Computer Science
A member of the Real World Computing Partnership, having a Tokyo Liaison Office.
Hitachi,Ltd. is now online.
ICOT(Institute for New Generation Computer Tecnology), Tokyo Japan.
Serving information on the contents of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project and the two year Follow-on Project, and their main research results such as ICOT Free Software (IFS) and technical reports. Information of new events such as the final international symposium (FGCS'94) is also presented.
Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
Japan Network Information Center(JPNIC)
This server provides information related to domestic and international Internet. JPNIC rules, application forms for IP address and domain names etc. are summarized. Also pointers to the services provided by JPNIC member networks are listed. Along with English translations of official publishments, we also try to provide enjoyable information to all netters. This server is maintained by Information Service Working Group of the JPNIC, a non-profit organization.
Japan Neural Network Society (JNNS), Tokyo.
an Introduction of JNNS, Contact persons, Calendar of meeting around Neural Networks, and etc.
The Japan Information Center of Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese information related to Science and Technology.
Linc, founded in 1993, is a research group of Internet communication under private environments. The pages of 1998 Nagano Olympics are available.
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Japan
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tokyo, Japan.
Serving information about MPT organization, MPT News(press release), white papers, reports of telecommnucations council, ITU pleniportertiary conference 94 bulletin in Kyoto, etc.
National Center for Science Information Systems (Tokyo, Japan) released its WWW server started from Dec. 1994. This includes the general introduction of NACSIS, NACSIS batabase and electronic mail service guides, latest informaition on NACSIS Digital Library Project, etc.
National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan. Serving CancerNet Documents, many Informations, including Himawari,etc.
NEC Corporation
NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
NEMIC-LAMBDA K.K., Tokyo, Japan.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese Information corner of the web, NTT What's New for New information of the web, etc.
NTT Learning Systems Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
We have Japan Information space and guest space on Entertainment page. NTT-LS(NTT Learning Systems Corporation) is operating NTT MEDIA LAB.
Meiji University
Meiji University. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Meisei University
Meisei University Ome Campus.
Mizuno Pharmacies, Tokyo Japan,
operate community pharmacies. As a commercial site, we are now online through AT&T Jens InterSpin. It is a modest WWW server due to a limited bandwidth.
Nihon Sun User Group, Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Serving infomation about NSUG such as membership, NSUG-CD, what's NSUG.
Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)
Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
This server presents overview of RTRI, R&D of RTRI (such as superconducting maglev system, advanced Shinkansen and conventional railway, large-scale low-noise wind tunnel, urgent earthquake detection and alarm system, and contact-free IC card), railway-related information and so on.

Real World Computing Partnership
Real World Computing Partnership, Tokyo, Japan. Serving information on the Real World Computing Program and Technical reports, etc.
Science University of Tokyo
Science University of Tokyo, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
Serving information about Science University of Tokyo.
The INFOSERV Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo.
MU, Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Soka University
Soka University, Hachioji, Tokyo.
A brief biography of founder of university, Mr Daisaku Ikeda; Founding spirit of university, campus map; the brochures `, and other Soka related schools and instittions. (Experimental)
Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
"NEWS WAVE" presents Press-Information, Catalog-Information, Application-Program-Samples, Free-Softwares, Technical-Information for Workstation NEWS.
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.
Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc., Tokyo, Japan. Research papers, Information for Research Projects, etc. are available.
Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
We provide company overview, product information, summary of books written by SRA people, GNU document, Smalltalk Textbook, BSD UNIX information, etc.
SunSITE Japan
The SunSITE Japan Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo in collaboration with Nihon Sun Microsystems.
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) presents full text database of its research journal, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , experimental service over a limited period of time until the end of January, 1995. You can retrieve and display the original papers published in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 66, No. 1 (1993) through Vol. 67, No. 6 (1994).
The Prime Minister's Official Residence
The Prime Minister's Official Residence, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Social Engineering, T.I.T., Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Interoducing Dept. of Social Eng., Providing the database of paper titles in this department, other data and other services in T.I.T..
UMIN: University Medical Information Network
University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. UMIN connects academic medical facilities in Japan via Internet. It was established in 1988 by the Ministry of Education, and currently, it is running on the second generation platform, consisting of Hitachi and SUN workstations.
The University of Electro Communications. Tokyo , Japan. We have the whois server for all staff.
University of Tokyo
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
The list of WWW Servers in University of Tokyo is here
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (KOMABA)
WWW server for the College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, (KOMABA Campus).
Department of Information Science
WWW server for the Yonezawa Lab. at the Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo.
Sakamura Laboratory WWW Server.
Information on the TRON Project, Distribution of Software for TRON, Introduction to Sakamura Laboratory
Department of Physics, Facultyof Science, University of Tokyo
This WWW server, which is maintained by Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, contains the reports for the research activities at Department of Physics. Also the documents and FAQ's useful for begginers are collected here. Experimental "Internet Calendar" pages give you the information about troubles and events on Japanese Internet.
Ocean Research Instiute, University of Tokyo
Ocean Research Institute, Univerisity of Tokyo, Nakano-ku, Tokyo. Providing outline of institute, and information of cruise schedule, recent cruise results, and research highlights.
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of Tokyo. RACE does pioneering work in a young field that hopes to reverse the tragedy of modern technology: the continuous subdivision and narrowing of science and the consequent loss of balance of society and the environment. Its activities were initiated in 1992 by Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, the President of the University of Tokyo, who proposed novel directions for the study of engineering and technology related to all aspects of man-made objects "artifacts". Our server provides various information of RACE concepts and activities. It also provides links to various W3 servers installed on the campus. The list of WWW Servers in University of Tokyo is here
Concrete Laboratory
Concrete Engineering Laboratory in the Department of Civil Engineering covers entire life of concrete based infrastructures. This research group challenges civil engineering problems in line with CONCRETE from material & structural design stage to long-term service and durability through construction in practice, curing, hardening and aging of structures. (Experimental)


Design Studio(WWW-VisualDesigning)       Internet WWW server. Homepage Art Direction. Design service for Internet. 2D&3D Graphics , TypeFace , Icon , etc.....
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Server is located on Kawasaki Kanagawa Japan.
We announce following articles to Internet:
Brief introduction of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. (Sorry, Japanese only) Some softwares
Keio University
The Faculty of Science and Technology (Yagami Campus) and Shonan Fujisawa Campus have their own home page. These home pages have pointers to other WWW servers located in each campus.
Nomura Research Institute
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan.
WIDE Project
You can get a many kind of topics on the WIDE Project
and informations related to the Internet. Informations provided here about the WIDE Project are following. Also you can access to our Anonymous FTP server.
And several informations about the Internet,such as and so on.


Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan.

MMMC Group
Multimedia and Mobile Computing(MMMC) Group, located at JAIST, is working on distributed multimedia systems, mobile computing, and object-oriented operating systems using Real-Time Mach microkernel.Currently, Real-Time Mach is being developed by our group, Keio Multimedia Platform(MMP) Project, and CMU ART Project.


SUNTechno college
SUNTechno college .The server is located on Ryuoh , Yamanashi , Japan.
Serving information about Ryuoh-town and Ryuoh-Akasaka Soft-Park.
Yamanashi University
Yamanashi University, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan.


Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS)
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), IMS.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Fujita Health University
This is Pathy WWW for medical information. This medical information resource is under continuous development. Pathology Gallery of Hematology is now available.
Nagoya University
WWW server of Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan is now available. Not only does it provide local information, but it provides softwares developed in our university. In the near future, it will call for bug reports and questions about them to improve them more quickly.
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
Nanzan University
Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan has just lanched two httpd servers in March, 1994, and is going to provide local information such as faculties, staffs, and students from a central server. In Dept. of Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences, introduction of each lab's members and research interests from one of WWW servers located in the classrooms. Also information on local cities, hobbies, and verious interesting information will be added in the near future. Stay tuned.
National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)
NIBB is one of three institutes in Okazaki National Research Institutes, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan. You can run the PSORT program for analyzing protein sorting signals in amino acid sequence here.
Tokai Internetwork Council, Nagoya, Japan.


KIIS(Kansai Institute of Information Systems)
Kansai Institute of Information Systems (KIIS) is a government- sponsored non-profit organization located in Osaka, Japan, with a mission to promote the prosperity of the Kansai area through information technologies.

It has a membership of about 270 leading companies. KIIS offers information on major projects in Kansai and KIIS-related activities such as:

Hankyu Corporation
Hankyu Corporation WWW Server is now available. This server presents and so on.
Osaka University
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Osaka kyoiku University
Osaka Kyoiku University ,Kashiwara ,Osaka
Osaka Medical College
Osaka Medical College Medical Computation Center, Osaka, Japan.
Matsushita Electric/Panasonic
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. Although the content is very limited now, we are serving information on Matsushita products. And you can search our software archive by name clicking here. The search result makes a clickable WWW page.
Stellar Craft Inc,
Stellar Craft Inc,,Osaka
Stellar Craft Inc. NetBiz Service Total suppert of the Internet
NeXTrading,Speciality shop of NEXTSTEP, AMRIS assists "Freedom of Expression"
University of Osaka Prefecture
University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka, Japan.


Design Research Group, Kyoto Institute of Technology
The web server of the Design Research Group at Kyoto Institute of Technology houses publications, an electronic design forum, a gallery of student projects, and a collection of images of Japan.
Kyoto, Japan.
Serving information on science & technology, leisure and events in Kansai. Kansai-WWW is maintained by the subscribers of Kansai-Net, a mailing list of scientists and technologists, both Japanese and foreigner, operating or with interests in the Kansai area of Japan. On Kansai-WWW you can find also an electronic-interactive Kansai-flea market: - post one yourself! - And many useful information for foreigners resident in Kansai. Served here there is also the best of www-servers in Kansai and in Japan, Japanese sources of information, Kansai travel guides, foreign news on the Internet and much much more...
Kyoto University
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
This server provides various informations on faculties and centers in Kyoto University.
Institute for Chemical Research (Uji Campus)
This is the Molecular Biology WWW Server by GenomeNet.
The DBGET service on this WWW server is an extremely useful resource where related database entries in different databases can be obtained easily by hot links.
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan
Notre Dame Women's College
Notre Dame Women's College, Kyoto, Japan.
This server is maintained by the POETS(Personalized Online Electronic Text Services) project team at NDWC. It provides text databases and information related to communication, language and literature.
OMRON Corporation, Kyoto, Japan Serving Japanese/English dictional by Roma-ji, Archie service have Japanse and English interface (FORM demonstration).


Kobe University
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. Serving Information about Hyogo Prefecture etc.


Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan. It's named "SHiKA" . It has Campus-information, Kansai-area Informaion and so on.


Wakayama University
Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan.
Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture (WINTEC), Wakayama, Japan.


Okayama Prefectural University
WWW server of Okayama Prefectural University, Okayama, Japan is now online.


Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan. This server provides the directory of all university staffs, called WWWhois. It also provides many links to all other servers in our university, for example, Information Processing Center (in Japanese).
Hiroshima City University
WWW server of Hiroshima City University provides informations about the academic staff and the facilities. We also have informations about "THE 12th ASIAN GAMES HIROSHIMA 1994" which will be held in Hiroshima from Oct. 2nd in the "What's New" corner (Now preparing English page).
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
This server includes health effects in the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and some informations about Hiroshima.


Ube College
Dept. of Computer Science, Ube College.

Shikoku region (sensitive map )


Ehime University
Our WWW server is under construction, so we are only providing a tour through our Ehime University. However, you can also to reach some other servers and informations, particulary in Matsuyama.


Takuma National College of Technology
Takuma National College of Technology,Kagawa,Japan


Kochi University
WWW server is run by Department of Information Science, Kochi University (Akebono-cho, Kochi), which is a new department established in 1990. We have a collection of images on the Earth's environment and weather information. We also serve GMS (Himawari) images for Chugoku/Shikoku area.


The University of Tokushima
Serving Information on Campus Network.

Kyushu region (sensitive map )


Kyushu Area Regional Research Network, Japan.
Kyushu University
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyushu Sangyo University
Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyushu Institute of Design
Kyushu Institute of Design, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kyush Institute of Technology
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyuushuu/Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kurume Institute of Technology
Kurume Institute of Technology, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan.
Fukuoka Junior College of Technology.
Fukuoka Junior College of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.


Saga University
Saga University, Saga, Japan.


Coara, computer commnication service
Nippon Bunri University
Nippon Bunri University, Oita, Japan.


Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute
Kumamoto Industrial Research Institute, Kumamoto, Japan.
Kumamoto University
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.
Kumamoto National College of Technology
Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan.


Miyazaki University
Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan.


Kagoshima University
Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan.


Ryukyu University
Ryukyu University, Okinawa, Japan












standard and quality, industrial technology development and assistance to industry. (Officially Mandated)
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang
Server provides information about the University (general information, academic programmes, research, etc) and also information about Penang (for tourists who intend to come to Penang; includes maps, pictures, etc).


National University of Singapore (NUS) BioWWW server
BioWWW server. information available from the National University of Singapore, Singapore Technology Network TECHNET, and the Biocomputing Interest Group BIG.
National Supercomputing Research Centre
The National Supercomputing Research Centre offical Web page. Information is provided of our research activities, our current staff compliment, the supercomputing hardware we maintain and many many more. (Experimental)
National University of Singapore (NUS) Campus Wide Web server
Information from history of NUS, courses, employment to e-mail userids of staff is available, and more soon!
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Polytechnic in General. (Experimental)
SingNet WWW
SingNet is the only commercial internet service provider in Singapore that will provide a full range of internet services. We have set up our Web Server to provide commercial Web services so that companies can "advertise" on the net. We also contain links to various jumpstations worldwide. Finally, WWW and html developers Jumpstation(previously hosted in OneWorld) is also hosted and maintained in SingNet.
Slick's WWW Server
The Sun, the Sand & the Sea (Experimental)
SunSITE Singapore
SunSITE Singapore joins the ranks of other SunSITE servers in the world to provide information focused on South-East Asia. (Officially Mandated)
Welcome to Technet's World Wide Web server on darwin.technet.sg. This service provides information related to Information Technology (IT), Computing, as well as links to other interesting places in Singapore cyberspace. In addition, we also host the Singapore National InfoMAP, a WWW page which contains everything about Singapore like facts and figures, goverment bodies, laws, history, where to eat places of interest etc etc. (Officially Mandated)
Singapore National Computer Board (NCB)
(unaccessible in oct 93)
TH's Home Page
Myself Links to the Institute of Systems Science, Singapore Links to Singapore's Sites (Experimental)


Taipei area

Taoyuan area

Hsinchu area
Taichung area
Yun-Chia area
Tainan area
Kaohsiung area


Asian Institute of Technology
Web Server
Assumption University
Web Server
Chiang Mai University and Northern Thailand
Information about Chiang Mai University and Information about Northern Thailand
Chulalongkorn University
The official information about Chulaongkorn University as well as another higher education and research in Thailand including study programs and academic activities.
Chula, Physics (Experimental)
Department of Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Staffs, Students, Major Events, hot news, publications (electronic format, i.e. TeX), Students' projects, Theses, and dissertations, Physics Education resources.
Kasetsart University
Temporary WWW Server
Khon Kaen University
WWW Server
King Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
King Mongkut Institute of Technology North Bangkok
Mahidol University
WWW Server
The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center. General information about Thailand
SEA GAMES'95 WorldWideWeb Online Information Server
Thammasat University
The Information Processing Institute for Education and Development (WWW Test Service)

Australia and Oceania


New Zealand

Actrix Information Exchange
General information about New Zealand from Aotearoa's first commercial service. (Officially Mandated)
International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research (ICAIR)
The server contains annual programme reports for several nations outlining current projects and activities on the ice, information on Ozone depletion over Antarctica, and links to other Antarctic related Internet services.
New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Ltd
Crop & Food Research, a Crown Research Institute. Research in the crop, food and fish industries. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, a Crown Research Institute. New Zealand's leading environmental research and consultancy company. (Officially Mandated)
School of Architecture Property and Planning, University of Auckland
Architecture ( History, Theory, Visualisation, Technical), Planning (Methods, Policy), History, Computer Graphics (Officially Mandated)
Schools of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington
The Victoria University School of Architecture Degrees in Building Science, in Architecture and in association with the Wellington Polytechnic, in Design. Staff listings note the research interests and e-mail addresses. Listings of current projects of interest include graphics of architecturally interesting buildings drawn by final year students using CAD software, Radiance images and CADDS5 images of Gaudi's cathedral in Barcelona. (Officially mandated, Experimental)
The University of Auckland Hyper-G Server
The University of Auckland (Officially Mandated)
University of Canterbury
The University of Canterbury (Officially Mandated)
University of Otago - Te Whare Wananga O Otago
The University of Otago and its departments (Officially Mandated)
University of Waikato
Victoria Univ. of Wellington
Panui, the Campus Wide Information System.

Central America

(see Latin American Studies)

Costa Rica

Costa Rica's Research Network
It's experimental but representative for CRNet
Servidor WWW de la Universidad de Costa Rica
The Universidad de Costa Rica (Officially Mandated)
UCR Physics department
Academic services and research at the Physics Department at the Universidad de Costa Rica (Experimental)


(see sensitive map, virtual tourist map, and Russian and East European Studies)
Commercial Internet service provider in Europe. Includes links to national EUnet Web servers and various other information sources
The European X User Group
The collaboration between the national research networks in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. (see conference and map)


WWW-Server in Oesterreich (Auswahl)

WWW-Server in Österreich (willkürliche Auswahl)

Die offizielle Liste der WWW-Server in Österreich wird jetzt an der Universität Wien geführt.

Für Österreich ist jetzt zuständig: www-register@ifs.univie.ac.at , eine Übersicht über österreichische Informationsserver bietet auch die Universität Salzburg, eine weitere ausführliche Liste die TU Wien.

* Übersicht über die Informationssysteme im Internet
* World Wide Web-Server in der ganzen Welt
* Begrüungsseite dieses WWW-Servers

Web Administration, 1994/12/17


(see a sensitive map)
Bekaert is a leading steel wire and cable manufacturer. (official server)
Information about the resources found on BELNET, the Belgian National Research Network
Free University of Brussels Applied Sciences Faculty
A server for local information related to the Applied Sciences Faculty and the VUB in general.
Brussels Eurocapital
Brussels as an international business and congress center. Also provides tourist and lodging information. Currently under development. Due to be finsished in Dec 94. (Experimental)
ELIS dept. at Univ. of Gent
This document contains information on the teaching and research activities at our department, such as microelectronics, circuits and systems, speech processing, image and signal processing, parallel processing and digital systems (Officially Mandated)
ELIS, the Electronics and Information Systems Department of the University of Ghent
information on the teaching and research activities at our department. Includes Liquid Crystal Displays and Electroluminescent Thin Films, Solar Cells, Thin Film Component Group, Thermo Electronics and Biomedical Current Supply, DC-AC Inverters and the Design of Photovoltaic Systems, Parallel Processing And Digital Systems, Medical Image and Signal Processing, Speech Processing, and Circuits and Systems (Officially Mandated)
Erasmus WWW Server
Faculty of arts KUL Eastern Mediteranean Archeology Project (Officially Mandated)
EUnet Belgium WWW-server
Products and Services provided by EUnet Belgium NV/SA, a commercial Internet Provider in Belgium (Officially Mandated)
Free University of Brussels Principia Cybernetica Project
We want to integrate the whole of human knowledge in a simple, universal and easy-to-use framework.
Free University of Brussels Info-Groep
Info-Groep support group's WWW-server at Brussels Free University.
The "Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix" (FUNDP), the University of Namur (Officially Mandated)
K.U.Leuven WWW server
The K.U.Leuven University (Officially Mandated)
Royal Military Academy (Belgium)
The activities of the Royal Military Academy - - Education - - Research
Service for Telematic and Communication (Service Telematique et Communication)
Brussels University
The GeoManagement System
Da Vinci Consulting, a Belgian company specialized in the development of Geographical Information Systems and Networks for Territory Monitoring and Decision Support presents its concept of GeoManagement System as well as related products and services. The GMS Web also includes additional stuff of interest to registered customers of Da Vinci Consulting. (Officially Mandated)
The UA Information Service
Information Service of the Universiteit Antwerpen - UA, providing access to Library Services, to Directory Services and to other general information. Each of the three member institutions RUCA, UFSIA and UIA has its own WWW based local Information Service. (Officially Mandated)
The UIA Information Service
Information Service of the Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen - UIA mainly containing locally developed computer and network related documents, a directory service and access to the library and other local servers. (Officially Mandated)
ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Entry point to the web at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, or ULB (Free University of Brussels, French speaking). It contains site-related information and services provided by Departments of the University. (Officially Mandated)


(see a sensitive map)
University of Zagreb:
Rudjer Boskovich Institute, Zagreb:

Czech Republic


See Danish Information servers accessible via WWW, Gopher or telnet


CIESIN Baltics Regional Node WWW
Identify, document and provide access to information on the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). It is coordinated in each country by the National Steering Committees. (Officially Mandated)
Estonian Research and Education network
Tartu University Library
University of Tartu
Information about University of Tartu and it's services. Also unofficial information about city Tartu. Many pointers to interesting places in Estonia and World. (Officially mandated, Experimental)




Other research and educational entities

Municipalities and Cities

Corporate life

Communities and Associations

You are free to make references to this file, but you may not make accessible copies of it without permission of finweb@cs.hut.fi. finweb@cs.hut.fi


(see also a sensitive map)
Serveur Web de l'Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Unix et des systèmes ouverts. - Le Kremlin-Bicetre
Atelier BioInformatique de Luminy (Université Aix-Marseille II). Serveur orienté vers l'enseignement et la Bioinformatique

L'Association des Anciens (AdA) Élèves ingénieurs diplômés de l'ESSI a pour but d'entretenir un tissu de contacts, de maintenir les liens d'amitiés entre anciens élèves, ainsi que de favoriser la bonne insertion des nouveaux diplômés.

Vous pouvez nous faire parvenir vos offres d'emplois ou de stages - Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis
Despa - Lyot - Observatoire de Paris à Meudon.
Serveur d'information sur l'expérience Adonis, système d'Optique Adaptative pour l'Astronomie.
(keywords: adaptive optics, astronomy, artificial intelligence, adonis, come-on)
Ce serveur presente Astarte, une PME Haut-Savoyarde specialisee les applications et les services sur Internet et WWW. - Archamps 74160
Aviso, Topex/poseidon
Océanographie spatiale, mesure du niveau moyen des oceans grace au satellite Topex/Poseidon - Toulouse
Biomathématiques, Biostatistiques, Bioinformatique et Epidémiologie Serveur Web de l'Unité INSERM U263 et du Service Commun 4 de l'INSERM (SC4).

Le groupe B3E fait partie du CHU Saint-Antoine et de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6).

On trouvera sur ce serveur des informations concernant l'épidémiologie de la grippe et du SIDA entre autres, ainsi que la description d'outils de simulation en biologie (neurobiologie numérique).=, ainsi que le programme du DEA de Biomathématiques.

Banque de Données Socio-Politiques
Représentant français auprès du Council of European Social Sciences Data Archives (CESSDA)
et de l'Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

La BDSP archive des données factuelles (numériques et textuelles) sur :

Ce serveur donne l'accès aux - Grenoble
Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de la Région parisienne

Serveur à vocation pédagogique :

Centre d'Analyse des Images - Machine Automatique à Mesurer pour l'Astronomie

Institut des Sciences de l'Univers

Mots-clefs: Astronomie - Numérisation - Analyse des images - PARIS

Informations commerciales sur les services de CalvaCom, acces a notre site FTP (GNU, Linux, Divers Unix) et liens vers d'autres pages interessantes. - Paris (Velizy)
Centre Charles Hermite - Centre Lorrain de Compétence en Modélisation et Calcul à Hautes Performances - Nancy
Centre de Calcul de Saint-Jerome - Marseille
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire. Physique et Chimie par l'ordinateure. Collaborations, workshops, etc. Le CECAM se trouve a l'ENS Lyon.
Centre d'études de la Navigation Aérienne - toulouse
Le CENA est l'un des éléments du réseau de recherche du Ministère de l'Équipement, des Transports et du Tourisme. C'est un service de la Direction de la Navigation Aérienne, qui dépend de la Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile française.
Les études qu'il mène préparent les futurs systèmes de contrôle aérien, développés et mis en oeuvre par le Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne. (Officially Mandated) - Athis-Mons
Serveur WWW du service Electronique du CENBG. Mots Cles : Analogique, Numerique, FPGA, Transputers, Vins de Bordeaux - GRADIGNAN 33
Le laboratoire CEPHAG est situé à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble, sur le Campus Universitaire de St Martin d'Hères.

Le laboratoire CEPHAG est une Unitée de Recherche Associée CNRS.

L'activitée de recherche du Centre d'Etudes des PHénomènes Aléatoires et Géophysiques concerne l'étude théorique et pratique du Traitement du Signal avec, comme applications : l'acoustique sous-marine et la géophysique.

Les axes de recherche du laboratoire sont :

  • l'étude des milieux de propagation
  • communication et étude du milieu en acoustique sous-marine
  • environnement ionisé de la terre
  • propagation des ondes élastiques dans le sous-sol
  • l'analyse des signaux et l'instrumentation
  • analyse spectrale et interspectrale
  • méthodes et instruments de traitement
  • les traitements temporels, spatiaux et adaptatifs
  • communications
  • traitement d'antenne
  • CERT
    Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Toulouse
    Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble
    Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse
    Centre d'Ingenierie et de Modelisation Moleculaire - Marseille
    Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement - Montpellier
    Centre Inter-universitaire de Ressources Informatiques de Lorraine - Nancy
    Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques de Marseille
    Centre Interuniversitaire de traitement de l'Information - université René Descartes - Paris
    serveur du Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees de l'Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau
    Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers - Paris
    Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications Serveur cree a l'occasion du cinquantieme anniversaire du CNET - Issy les Moulineaux
    Catalogues Collectifs nationaux des bibliothques du CNRS-SHS - Grenoble
    Présentation des services du Centre National Universitaire Sud de Cal cul - Montpellier
    C.R. Aquitaine
    Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine - Bordeaux
    CPE Engineering School, research in its laboratories (Officially Mandated) - Lyon
    Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
    Centre de Physique Théorique - Marseille
    Serveur destine aux biochimistes, structuralistes et biologistes - Montpellier
    CRI Rennes 1
    Centre de Ressources Informatiques de l'université de Rennes1
    Centre de Ressources Informatiques de Haute Normandie - Rouen
    Ministère de la Culture
    Les services du ministère de la culture et de la francophonie - Paris
    Centre de Recherche par Tomographie à Emission de Positons - Caen
    Département d'Astrophysique Extragalactique et de Cosmologie, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
    DESS Informatique de Nantes
    Serveur Web Du DESS Informatique de Nantes. On y trouve des articles des etudiants des annees precedentes, les pages des professeurs et des etudiants de cette annee. Plus des pointeurs.
    DESS Informatique de Strasbourg
    Serveur WWW du DESS d'informatique de l'universite de Strasbourg
    Direction des Muses de France
    Exposition imaginaire sur les peintures Francaises du 18 eme. - Paris
    CNRS DR15
    Delegation Regionale du CNRS Aquitaine & Poitou-Charentes
    DR CNRS Nord Est
    Délégation Régionale du CNRS Nord Est (Nancy)
    DX net
    DX net est un Internet Provider. Il propose des connexions de type DialUp/IP sur l'Est de la France. Vous pouvez galement nous contacter par mail info@dx-net.fr. - Strasbourg
    Ecole Superieure de Mecanique de Marseille.
    EAEEIE = European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering. Association loi 1901 Universitaires dans le domaine Informatique, Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique - Nancy
    EC Lille
    Le Serveur de l'Ecole Centrale de Lille est en cours de construction. Neanmoins, il propose des informations generales sur les etudes a l'ecole, les differents laboratoires de l'ecole (a majorite CNRS), un congres mondial qui va etre organise en collaboration avec IMACS et IEEE. Il est egalement possible d'acceder a des services proposes par les enseignants et par les eleves de l'ecole, ainsi qu'a un ftp anonymous. - Villeneuve d'Ascq
    École normale supérieure de Lyon
    Journal de maths (des élèves de l'École normale supérieure de Lyon)
    ECOSIM: Simulation d'Ecosystemes
    ECOSIM: Modelisation et Simulation d'Ecosystemes. - Clermont-Ferrand
    École Centrale - Paris
    EdelWeb, un nouveau fournisseur français de services à valeur ajoutée et de technologie Internet, a le plaisir de vous annoncer son premier serveur WWW officiel.

    Nos visiteurs pourront y découvrir des informations sur notre société ainsi que sur la 10ème Assemblée Mondiale des Téléports (Paris, du 7 au 10 novembre 94)

    Dans un proche avenir, nous mettrons à votre disposition bien d'autres choses; excusez-nous si des URLs ou des pages changent souvent - notre serveur est encore en phase de mise au point.

    - Le Chesnay (78)

    École pour les Études et la Recherche en Informatique et Électronique - Nimes
    Enseignement International des Affaires - Marseille
    Serveur des - Talence
    Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - Toulouse
    École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
    École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
    École Normale Supérieure - Paris
    Informations sur l'Ecole Nationale Superieure en Electrotechnique, Electronique, Informatique et Hydraulique de Toulouse, pour l'enseignement et la recherche.
    École Nationale Supérieure d'Électricité et de Mécanique - Vandoeuvre lès Nancy
    École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique et de Radioélectricité de Bordeaux
    Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Industries Chimiques - NANCY
    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris
    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie - LANNION (22)
    Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications - Brest, Rennes
    École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunicatio ns - Paris
    École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées - Paris
    École Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications de Bretagne
    Serveur des etudiants de Physique nucleaire de Lyon
    École Superieure d'Ingénieurs en Informatique - Marseille
    ESCA (European Speech Communication Association) est une Association a but non lucratif regroupant des chercheurs institutionnels ou de l'industrie dans le but de promouvoir la recherche et la technologie dans le domaine de la Parole. ESCA organise la conference EUROSPEECH tous les deux ans : E'89 a Paris, E'91 a Genes, E'93 a Berlin, E95 a Madrid. En outre, ESCA organise environ deux seminaires specialises par an. Depuis 1994, le Secretariat d'ESCA est installe a Grenoble
    European Science Foundation Home Page - Strasbourg
    Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Electronique et Electrotechnique - Marne la Vallée
    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - Grenoble
    École Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques - Sophia-Antipolis
    Serveur decrivant l'ESSTIN, (Ecole Superieure des Sciences et Technologies de l'Ingenieur de Nancy) dependant de l'Universite Henri Poincare Nancy I Serveur en construction
    Institut EURECOM - Formation d'ingénieurs en Systèmes de Communication - Sophia-Antipolis
    Editeur de logiciels de traduction - Paris
    French Data Network, association loi de 1901 ayant pour but la promotion de Usenet. Propose a ses adherents l'acces a l'e-mail, aux news et autres services de l'Internet - Paris
    Festival of Sciences and Technology - PARIS
    filire SILR - IRESTE
    Description gnrale de la filire SILR (Systmes Informatiques : Logiciels et Rseaux) de l'IRESTE. Visite des locaux de l'IRESTE. - Nantes
    FNET - Prestataire de services Internet en France et en Europe - Paris
    Formula One Pick6 Web
    Pronostics sur les courses de Formule Un au travers de formulaires - Sophia -Antipolis
    Acces grand public a l'Internet - Paris
    Franck's Home Page
    Le meilleur moyen pour chercher quelque chose sur l'Internet. The best way to search something on the Net. - Paris
    École d'Architecture de Marseille-Luminy
    Groupement De Recherche 1000, Biologie Structurale et Microbiologie - Marseille
    GDR Programmation
    Le Groupe de Recherche PROGRAMMATION du CNRS et le Programme de Recherche Coordonnes PROGRAMMATION ET OUTILS DE L'INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE du Ministre de l'Enseignement Suprieur et de la Recherche. - Nancy Bordeaux
    Centre de Recherche sur le Génome Humain - Evry
    Serveur GENESTREAM, centre des ressources bioinformatique du projet de cartogaphie du genome humain du Sud de la France, localise a l'EERIE - Nîmes
    Georgia Tech Lorraine
    American University in Europe European Extention of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia USA Degrees: Master of Science et Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Dual Degrees with European Universities and Enginnering Schools Research : Telecommunications, Digital Signal Processing, Systems and Controls Continuing Education: Management of Technology - Metz
    Departement de Genie Informatique, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne
    Grenoble Isere Developpment
    Le GSV-Lactamme est un groupe de recherche commun au CNET et au CMAP de l'Ecole Polytechnique. Les etudes menees concernent la methodologie de la programmation, la visualisation scientifique et la creation artistique. - Palaiseau
    HAPEX SAHEL Information System. La banque de données HAPEX SAHEL (Hydrologic Atmospheric Pilot Experiment au Sahel) est destiné à étudier les interactions continent/atmosphere (flux hydriques, de CO2 et d'énergie) au Sahel, une région particulièrement représentative de la zone tropicale sèche. HAPEX SAHEL regroupe les chercheurs d'une dizaine de pays et s'intègre dans les recherches menées sous l'égide du Programme Mondial de Recherche sur le Climat pour améliorer la prise en compte des processus hydrologiques dans les modèles climatiques. La Banque de Données HAPEX SAHEL est un projet commun au LERTS (Laboratoire d'Etude et de Recherche en Télédétection Spatiale), à l'ORSTOM et au CNES (Agence Française de l'Espace). Cette banque de données est basée sur la banque de données de l'expérience First International Land Surface Climatology Field Experiment (FIFE). - MONTPELLIER
    Ce serveur du Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse presente le serveur FTP anonyme ftp://hpux.cict.fr contenant plus de 600 logiciels du domaine public testes et adaptes aux stations de travail Hewlett Packard serie 700 systeme d'exploitation HP-UX 8.07 et au dela. Tous les logiciels presents sont documentes ainsi que tous les services lies a HP. Ce serveur est le mirroir officiel francais du serveur ftp://hpux.csc.liv.ac.uk de Liverpool
    Hervé Schauer Consultants, société spécialisée dans la sécurité UNIX, TCP/IP et Internet. - Paris
    Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Mots clefs
    Description des differentes composantes de l'institut - Les Labos de recherche - Les ecoles - Les grands equipements et l'environnement du site. - Marseille
    Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay
    Ce serveur concerne la biologie moleculaire et structurale.
    	- Structure secondaire des proteines
    	- Mailserver de prediction de structure
    	- ANTHEPROT (Logiciel d'analyse de sequence
    		      et de structure des proteines)
    	- RMN (Resonance Magnetique Nucleaire des proteines)
    - LYON
    Institut de la Communication Parlée - Grenoble
    Le laboratoire ICPS (Informatique et Calcul Parallele de Strasbourg - Universite Louis Pasteur) propose une liste de ses publications, et des informations sur ses projets de recherche.
    Institut d'Études Politiques - Lyon
    Presentation de l'Institut Francais de Mecanique Avancee. - Clermont-Ferrand
    Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer.- Brest
    Institut de Géodynamique de l'université de Bordeaux 3
    Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise - Paris
    Institut Jacques Monod - Paris
    ILL - Monochromator Group
    Institut Laue - Langevin - Grenoble
    Description de l'instutut de mathematiques appliquees et de l'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest a Angers.
    Institut d'Informatique et de Mathématique appliquées - Grenoble
    Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules - Lyon
    Institut National de l'Audiovisuel - Bry-sur-Marne
    Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique - VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

    Le serveur national de l'INRA propose une consultation de son annuaire thématique (description en cours des structures et axes de recherche) et présente les services de documentation de l'Institut, avec un accès à l'inventaire des publications des chercheurs. Il établit également des liens vers différents serveurs INRA, spécialisés.

    Domaines de recherche

    - Jouy-en-Josas
    Serveur d'informations scientifiques et techniques sur les activités et les produits de la recherche de L'Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité - Arcueil
    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique - Rocquencourt - Rennes - Nancy - Grenoble - Nice
    Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
    Institut National des Sciences Appliquees - Rouen
    Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse
    Ce serveur propose des informations en français sur les domaines suivants:
    	- bases de données bibliographiques (biomédicales)
    	- informations documentaires (documentaire, réseaux...)
    	- veille technique (logiciels, matériels ...)
    Il est géré par le service d'information et de documentation de l'INSERM. - Strasbourg
    Institut Blaise Pascal (I.B.P)
    Description de la federation de l'Institut Blaise Pascal, federation de laboratoire de l'universite Paris 6 et Paris 7 et du CNRS. Descriptions des enseignements et moyens informatique de l'IBP. Liens vers les divers services informatique de l'IBP (serveur FTP gopher, etc...) Divers pointeurs interressant sur WWW. Pointeurs vers les laboratoires d'informatique de l'IBP (MASI LITP LAFORIA Equipe Combinatoire) ainsi que les Projets Europeens et le forum COnvergence de Paris 6
    Institut National des Télécommunications. Description du campus (plan de l'cole + photos), annuaire des lves et prsentation de dpartements d'enseignements. Pages personnelles des lves. Animations graphiques - Evry
    Fournisseur d'acces et service professionel a l'Internet. Recherche d'Informations commerciale et navigation sur Internet. - Neuilly sur Seine
    Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay
    (a Nuclear Physics laboratory in France)
    Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
    Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique - Paris
    Service Universitaire de Formation des Maitres :

    Mots Cles :

    Presentation de l'institut; formation, association des etudiants recherche, transfert de technologie... - Nantes
    Irisa/Inria Rennes
    Présentation de l'unité de recherche Irisa/Inria Rennes, des équipes de recherches et des projets de recheche. Annonces des manifestations scientifiques organisées par l'Irisa (formulaires d'inscription). Accès au fonds documentaire de l'Irisa. Accès en ligne aux rapports d'activité des équipes de recherche. Ce serveur est bilingue (français et anglais)
    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
    Institut de Recherche Mathmatique Avance (Strasbourg)
    Institut de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire sur les Environnements d'Apprentis sage et de Communication de Savoirs - CNRS - Lyon
    presentation et services du Groupe ISEN : Institut Superieur d'Electronique du Nord (ecole d'ingenieurs),
    présentation des laboratoires CNRS de l'ISEN - Lille
    Description des activités de l'Institut Supérieur d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Production Automatisée - ANGERS
    Institut Supérieur d'Informatique et d'Automatique - Nice
    L'ISIMA est une Grande Ecole d'Ingenieurs en Informatique Modelisation et ses Applications. - Clermont-Ferrand
    Institut des Sciences Nucleaires - Grenoble
    Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénieur d'Angers
    IUT-GTR Luminy
    Departement Genie des Telecommunications et Reseaux de l'IUT d'Aix - Marseille II a Luminy
    IUT de Bayonne Pays-Basque
    Serveur d'informations sur l'IUT de Bayonne, le campus universitaire bayonnais et le Pays Basque.
    Institut Universitaire de Technologie d'Orsay
    Campus de Jussieu
    Informations sur le campus de Jussieu et les Universités Pierre et Marie Curie (Scientifique et Médicale) et Denis Diderot (pluridisciplinaire) - Paris
    Laboratoire d'Etudes Dynamiques et Structurales de la Sélectivité
    Chimie interface avec la biologie et Synthèse organique
    Laboratoire Associé au C.N.R.S. Grenoble
    Serveur du Laboratoire de Robotique d'Evry. Les domaines traites sont : robotique, vision artificielle, reseaux de neurones, logique floue
    Laboratoire de Mathematiques
    Ce serveur decrit le laboratoire de Mathematiques de l'universite de Nice sophia Antipolis ( URA 128 )
    Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
    serveur decrivant l'activite du labsad - Grenoble
    LAN P6
    Serveur du Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique de l'universite Paris VI. Y sont proposees les publications du laboratoire, les conferences, les coordonnees de ses membres ... ainsi que des liens lies au monde de l'analyse numerique. Mots clefs : mathematique, calcul scientifique,simulation numerique
    Ce serveur presente des informations sur les groupes experimentaux en physique des particules presents au LAPP. (Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules. IN2P3-CNRS)
    Laboratoire de Cristallographie et de Physique Cristalline - Bordeaux
    Serveur expérimental du L.E.T.I.E.F. URA CNRS 1508 - CRETEIL
    Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans (LIFO).
    Serveur WWW du Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Micro-lectronique, de Robotique de Montpellier (UMR C9928 CNRS/Universit Montpellier II) - Prsentation du LIRMM - Publications du LIRMM - Serveur FTP du LIRMM - Pointeurs vers Montpellier, la rgion en cours de dveloppement.
    Laboratoire d'Informatique des Systèmes d'Information et de décision - Toulouse
    Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique - Palaiseau
    Serveur d'informations du Laboratoire de Mineralogie-Cristallographie - Paris
    Serveur WWW du Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique du CNRS. C'est un serveur thematique sur la meteorologie. - Paris
    Ce serveur décrit les activités scientifiques en mécanique des fluides numérique au laboratoire de Mécanique des fluides et d'acoustique de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Ce laboratoire est un laboratoire associé au CNRS, URA 263, à l'université Claude Bernard de Lyon et à l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Les activités décrites concernent le calcul numérique intensif en mécanique des fluides et plus particulierement le calcul parallèle?
    Présentation du LORIA regroupant le CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy - URA CNRS 239) et l'INRIA Lorraine.
    Mise à disposition de services, entre autres :
    Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire du Collège de France - Paris
    Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire des Hautes Énergies - Paris
    Laboratoire de Rheologie du Bois de Bordeaux
    Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris Sud
    Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Moleculaire et Cristalline Universite Bordeaux I
    Laboratoire Système de Perception - Arcueil
    Maison des Sciences de l'Homme fondation regroupant l'EHESS et des labos du CNRS specialises en Sciences Humaines. - PARIS
    The age of enlightenment in the paintings of France's national museums. The english version ! A panorama of XVIIIth-century painting is presented in this exhibition through the works of one hundred selected artists. In addition to the pictorial world, the history, music, litterature and science of the period are recalled in the background to these occasionally little-known works from eighteen museums all over France. - PARIS
    Groupement de recherche CNRS en Calcul Formel et centre de calcul. - Palaiseau
    MIAGE Dauphine
    Serveur Web de l'IUP MIAGE à l'université Paris 9 - Dauphine
    Maitrise d'informatique de l'universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis - Nice Sophia - Antipolis
    Museum National Histoire Naturelle recherche collection - PARIS
    Le serveur d'information sur les activites de la Maison des sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine - Bordeaux
    Institut Laue Langevin - Grenoble
    Observatoire Astrophysique de Lyon
    Obs Besancon
    Serveur WWW de l'Observatoire de Besançl;on - Besancon
    Observatoire de Paris
    Serveur WWW de l'Observatoire de Paris - Meudon - Nancay
    Oléane -- Groupe Apysoft (opérateur de services d'accès à l'Internet) - Paris
    Ce serveur est developpe et gere dans le cadre d'ORAP (ORganisation Associative du Parallelisme), initiative du CEA, du CNRS et de l'INRIA. Il contient des informations diverses sur le calcul parallele : les acteurs en France (recherche, industrie, ...), les constructeurs, les logiciels, les formations et manifestations, des publications, le programme europeen HPCN, etc. - Rennes
    orleans maths
    Description et services offerts par le Departement de Maths de l'Universite d'Orleans : Responsable administratif : Monique Pontier (directeur de departement)
    Ce nouveau serveur WWW (situé sur la plaque RERIF) est le serveur de l'ORSTOM, Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Coopération.
    Les sujets essentiellement abordes seront le reseau RIO, la cooperation vers les pays du Sud, toutes matieres scientifiques relevant des departements de l'ORSTOM (Sante, Sciences Humaines, Hydro, Pedo, Geol, Oceano, Agro, la liste est longue) - Paris
    P-RooT & COO
    Ce serveur contient des informations propos du projet COO et de son implantation base sur P-RooT et des outils qui y sont utiliss : Emeraude/PCTE, TCL, CVS Coo is a research project which aims at building an active framework for software development processes support. It particularly focus on coordination and consistent support to cooperation between the different tasks and activities involved in the process. Coo is mainly based on a formally defined cooperative transaction model that uses software process models to surpass the limits of traditional transaction models, so as to allow cooperation between the sofware developers while ensuring the consistence of the development. The implementation of Coo is based on P-RooT, a software engineering database prototype. P-RooT is an object oriented extension of PCTE that allow procedural attachment to PCTE objects and thus provide an object-oriented interface to PCTE object bases. - Nancy
    Institut Pasteur, Paris.
    Pôle Bioinformatique de Villejuif
    Ce serveur regroupe un ensemble de bases de données de biologie moléculaire et de génome ainsi que des programmes d'analyses
    Réseau National de télécommunications pour la Technologie, l'Enseignement et la Recherche - Paris
    Reseau Documentaire de Grenoble (ou REDOC)
    Serveur WWW donnant acces aux bibliotheques / catalogues/documents electroniques - Grenoble
    Ressources Sida/HIV
    Serveur de ressources sida/hiv en français: listes par département des centres de dépistage anonyme et gratuit, associations, organisations, serveurs minitel, numéros de téléphone, etc. Nombreux liens vers d'autres ressources dans ce domaine sur l'Internet: prévention, soins, organismes mondiaux, etc. - Paris
    Association RESUS, université de Luminy - Marseille
    Page d'accueil en POITOU-CHARENTES - Poitiers
    SCT / World-Net
    Web generaliste avec les fameuses pages NetSurf et sur CyberSpace ainsi que sur la Rave Music. - Paris
    École Supérieure d'Électricité - Gif
    SUPELEC Metz
    École Supérieure d'Électricité - Metz
    SUPELEC Rennes
    École Supérieure d'Électricité - Rennes
    SYstème Réseau de HAute NOrmandie - Rouen
    Revue Terminal

    Technologie de l'Information Culture et Société


    Informatique et Société - PARIS

    Theseus Institute
    Theseus is an MBA program devoted to Strategy, Innovation, and Information Tech. - Sofia Antipolis
    Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
    Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS - ENS-Lyon (UMR 128)
    Univ. Angers
    Université d'Angers
    Univ. Bordeaux I
    Université Bordeaux I
    Universite de Bourgogne - Dijon
    Univ. Lille I
    Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (Campus de Villeneuve d'Ascq)
    Univ. MLV
    Serveur de l'Universite de Marne la Vallee Gere actuellement par le CIG (Centre d'InfoGraphie de MLV) Le serveur est en phase de test. On y trouve entre autre, des informations sur la vie de l'universite (les "Breves", un plan d'acces...) et sur les personnes travaillant au CIG. A venir : les rapports (theses, articles...) locaux et les autres laboratoire de l'universite.
    Univ. Jean Monnet
    Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne
    Univ. Montaigne
    Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3
    Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
    Informations sur les activités de l'Universite d'Orléans : enseignements, recherches, annuaire électronique, ... L'Université Internationale d'Orléans. Les chateaux de la Loire.
    Université de Pau
    Univ. Perpignan
    Université de Perpignan
    Univ. Rabelais
    Université François Rabelais - Tours
    Univ. Louis Pasteur
    Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg
    Universite de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis
    Univ. Claude Bernard
    Serveur d'Information Universitaire federant les sites de l'Universite Claude Bernard. Ce serveur multimedia, utilisant les techniques de navigation hypermedia (WWW), a caractere documentaire, est destine a la communaute des chercheurs et utilisateurs des reseaux ROCAD et INTERNET - Lyon
    univ. Lumiere-Lyon2
    Universite de LETTRES, ARTS, SCIENCES HUMAINES, ECONOMIQUES et SOCIALES, l'Universite LUMIERE-Lyon 2 propose sur son serveur WWW URL= http://web.univ-lyon2.fr l'acces a des informations ou des bases de donnees (bibliographiques, images, multimedia,...) produites par les services, facultes ou instituts, laboratoires de recherche qui lui sont rattaches.

    EXEMPLES de ce que vous pouvez consulter au 1/1/95 sur notre serveur WWW:

    POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS : rendez-vous sur notre serveur WWW -World Wide Web- -> http://web.univ-lyon2.fr
    Universite de Savoie
    Serveur en cours de developpement presentant l'Universite de savoie. Lien vers notre serveur Gopher , ftp anonyme, et WHOIS. Liens vers les home pages des laboratoires de l'universite - Chambéry - Annecy
    Laboratoire de physiologie cellulaire vegetale, Imagerie ionique,Rouen
    Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie des Populations - Lyon
    Unité RÉseaux du CNRS - Paris
    Il s'agit du serveur de la Division Mathematiques appliquees de l'Universite de Technologie de Compiegne. Il permet de connaitre les themes de recherches de chacun des Enseignants-chercheurs de la division, d'acceder au rapport d'activite, et, prochainement de telecharger des preprints ou autres rapports internes produits par les chercheurs et etudiants en these a la DMA.
    Serveur de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne
    Il s'agit du serveur de la Division Mathematiques appliquees de l'Universite de TEchnologie de Compiegne. Il permet de connaitre les themes de recherches de chacun des membres de la division, d'acceder au rapport d'activite, et, prochainement de telecharger des preprints ou autres rapports internes produits par les membres de la division.
    Le Centre de la Vieille Charite : Les Musees, l'EHESS, les Centres de Recherche ( SHADYC,GREQAM,CAMS,ESE) - Marseille
    Le serveur donne des informations sur le reseau metropolitain VIKMAN implante a CAEN, les serveurs d'applications localises sur VIKMAN et ses projets de developpement.
    Serveur ``WebLouvre'', Peintures celebres, mini-expo sur l'art medieval, mini-visite de Paris.





    Information about the Icelandic part of Internet (ISnet), sites providing WWW, and/or gopher sevices in Iceland etc.
    CentrumIS Communications
    General information about CentrumIS.
    Icelandic Fire Authority
    This site will contain information relating to fire prevention, fire inspection and code enforcment and related material.
    Information about ICEUUG (The Icelandic Unix Systems User Group).
    Marine Research Inst./Directorate of Fisheries
    Information on Icelandic fishing vessels. Articles on marine research. Dictionary of Sea animals.
    Multimedia Consumer Services (Experimental)
    Software company offering general Internet service for corporations and individuals.
    Strengur Ltd. (Experimental)
    The biggset newspaper in Iceland, Morgunblai, is published daily on our server. We are working on moving our fish-industry database Hafsjor, to the web.
    We also have information about Informix products.
    University of Iceland (Experimental)
    Only information in Icelandic, so far. Such as the Bible in Icelandic and some genealogical information. More to come.


    (see sensitive map)
    Armagh Observatory
    Information on the current work of the Observatory and on its history. Links to various astronomical resources.
    Broadcom Eireann Research Ltd.
    Information on the various projects Broadcom is involved in. Other Information.
    Cork Internet Services
    A service provider offering Internet connectivity services in the south of Ireland. Service details, links to other interesting sites.
    Irish Literature archive
    Island One
    A resource site for those interested in the building of free societies both on and off the Earth. Contains libertarian information. Also information on space settlement, Orion, L5, Space Digest, commercial space, propulsion systems, etc.
    Dublin Institute of Technology
    This server is intended to provide information about academic, R&D, and social activities within the DIT to our own students and staff, and to external parties. It will also provide a point of contact for graduates of the DIT.
    Dublin City University
    Information on the School of Computer Applications and the Centre for Software Engineering
    IONA Technologies Ltd.
    info about their Object Request Broker software product and some bits and pieces of Irish news.
    Networking Information regarding Ireland, and Links to the rest of Europe.
    Genesis Project Ltd.
    A service provider based in Belfast with an affiliate in Cork. Company details, product details and service details. A special page on Northern Ireland.
    Not much information yet. Links to HEANET FTP and Gopher services.
    Ireland Online
    A GNN Mirror site.
    National Institute for Management Technology (NIMT)
    Information about the NIMT. Server to be expanded to include summary information on NIMT areas of interest, including Executive Support Systems, Groupware, Strategic/Management Use of IT, Multi Media, Trends. This is an official NIMT WWW server, and information presented is representative of its views and beliefs.
    Regiodesk Ireland
    A manned helpdesk and online information service for teleworkers supported under the Telework stimulation programme of Directorate XIII of the EU.
    Telecom Eireann Museum of Communications
    This server contains a history of telecommunications in Ireland. There is also a staff list and a "Heritage Collection". The server is still under construction.
    Trinity College Dublin
    University College Cork
    Campus Information. Academic Information.
    Regional Technical College Athlone
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Carlow
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Cork
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Dundalk
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Letterkenny
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Limerick
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Sligo
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Tralee
    Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Tallaght
    RTC Tallaght maintains the Irish Law Page at TCD. Under construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    Regional Technical College Waterford
    Home page for WRTC. It is still in a stage of construction, but will shortly contain much information about the College.
    University College Galway
    University College Dublin
    Information about University College Dublin. A repository for general college information, course and faculty information, and includes access to the UNITEL campus information service and pointers to interesting sites in Ireland and elsewhere.
    Digital Signal Research Group
    This site contains information about the DSP group, about speech and image processing and related topics.
    Centre for Soft Condensed Matter Research Advanced Computational Research Group
    Located in the Chemistry building.
    CNDSRG WWW Server
    Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Research Group. This group is affiliated with TELTEC, the division of Forbairt which deals with telecommunications research.
    Projects Group
    This server contains a large amount of EU related material, including the full ACTS call, Telematics call information, the CORDIS database and a partner search facility, all of which are fully searchable native HTML format. There is also a set of active maps of Ireland available from this server.
    Energy Research Group
    Contains information about relevant EU programmes and research, the aims of the group and related information.
